For as long as I can remember--even when I was a Christian--I was fascinated with mythology. True to the saying "Familiarity breeds contempt," I eventually became somewhat bored with the Graeco-Roman myth which was all I could find as a child, and I still find it less interesting than the myths and legends of other cultures. The same holds for the Christian mythology I was fed as truth as I developed.
However, I eventually discovered other works either about myths or myths themselves, and over time my collection grew. I admit that it is still very modest, but I am always working to change this.
Some of these works I've found to be less reliable than others, though I still feel that The White Goddess and The History of Pagan Europe are useful as starting points, even if their authors' agendas are rather transparent.
The page you are now viewing is to be the page for all things related to mythology, though I cannot now think of any use for it besides the list of references, mythological and otherwise, to be found in The Legend of Zelda.
Do not expect something similar for Gargoyles. Since Zelda is enjoyed by so many people with little interest in myth and history, I figured this to be simply an enjoyable diversion to fans of the game; whereas I find the active search for the references in Gargoyles to be one of the very things which makes the series so wonderful.

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